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The Mindful Menopause Toolkit: Thrive Like A Boss

Nov 20, 2024

4 min read



4 fit ladies walking and enjoying workout yoga

This is a time of great transition for woman and for many it can come with a wide range of physical and psychological changes. However, it doesn’t mean we have to fear these changes and go blindly forward without having any tools in our menopause toolkit. Along with your regular hormone therapy plan, there are lots of things to explore and trial to ensure that you have the best of transitions.

Being a firm believer in the power of Mindful Colouring with affirmations, I am especially proud and honoured to present The Mindful Menopause (colouring book) with 40 powerful affirmations to help you thrive and find your inner chill. Also included in the blog are some every-day beneficial well-being habits to get your Menopause Toolkit off to a good start.

Are you Menopause Ready?

3 ladies holding flower, happy and relaxing

The more we know about our unique self and the more knowledge we seek on the subject, the better prepared we are for becoming menopause ready! Most importantly we need to recognise that this is an opportunity for growth and acceptance. A time to let go of things that no longer serve us and step into our Goddess Power and live life to the full.

In this blog we will be taking a look into how we can help manage the highs and lows of menopause as we navigate this uncharted territory. I have spoken with lots of women going through these changes and I find that for some, it is quite a smooth transition with few issues. For others there can be a range of mild and often unpleasant changes, but these can be managed with a few tweaks to diet and lifestyle changes. However there are lots of women who have and are having an horrendous time coping with the drastic changes in mind and body. Whether you try conventional methods or alternatives ways of coping, it is important to explore what works for you. There is a lot of information and advice out there, so which ever route you decide on, for those suffering, please don't give up and reach out for help if you need it.

Feel Good Hormones: Get your Calm on

 I found that stress and anxiety always seemed to exacerbate the symptoms of menopause, so for me it was important to look at ways of inducing the Relaxation Response when I needed to. My all time 'go to' stress care is mindful colouring so it seemed only natural for me to spend some time creating The Mindful Menopause so that it could benefit others too.

Practising mindful activities allows one to be present in the moment, facilitating an incredible quiet peaceful space, where one can focus on the absolute here and now. Studies have shown that mindful colouring can induce the relaxation response and release feel good hormones, bringing some much needed calm into the nervous system. The affirmations themselves serve as great reminders of the importance of drawing on our very own inner resources to bring forth and promote our innate powers to help restore balance and harmony.

Menopause Affirmations for Mind, Body & Soul

These affirmations are designed to provide you with the inspiration and encouragement you need to stay positive and focused during this challenging time. Using positive affirmations on a regular basis can help you cultivate a more positive and empowering mindset, which can have a profound impact on overall well-being. You can print them out to help focus your mind on what you want to achieve. Alternatively you can enjoy the full mindful colouring experience with the Mindful Menopause Colouring Workbook.

Menopause Affirmations For The Mind

  1. Too hot to handle

  2. I thrive on a positive mindset

  3. I inspire myself everyday

  4. I let go of things I cannot control

  5. I will not pressure myself

  6. I find joy in each day

  7. I am the menopause bitch

  8. I let go of perfection

  9. My dark turns to light

  10. I reach out when I need to

  11. I embrace each day with love

  12. I feel calm and peaceful

  13. I deserve to feel free and fabulous

Menopause Affirmations For The Body

  1. I embrace all change in my body

  2. Self Care is my priority

  3. Fit strong and ready

  4. I am comfy in my own skin

  5. I release tension from my body

  6. Yes to a motivated new me

  7. I listen to the needs of my body

  8. Love flows through me

  9. I am beautiful and brave

  10. I respect my body

  11. I am always kind to my mind and body

  12. I don’t sweat I glow

  13. My body will find balance

  14. Yes to feel good nutrition

Menopause Affirmations For The Soul

  1. I am wise and wonderful

  2. I am all compassion for me

  3. Bitches always bounce back

  4. I do what feels right for me

  5. My change my growth

  6. There is power in change

  7. I embrace growth and self discovery

  8. I am the menopause warrior

  9. Yes to motivated menopause

  10. I tap into my divine feminine energy

  11. I honour my sacred journey

  12. Nothing can dull my shine

  13. I emerge into the Goddess I AM

What does your Menopause Toolkit look like?

Your Menopause Toolkit is just for you and should be created with the same amount of passion and commitment as if you were planning your dream holiday. Fill it with your heart and soul and let it pave the way for a wonderful new beginning, for this is most definitely not the end! Here are a few ideas to get you started.

infogram with menopause welllbeing habits

Menopause Ready

So if you’re feeling lost or frightened during your peri/menopause journey, know that this is to be expected and is quite normal. There is always help and advice from your health care practitioners and support from your community circle. Most importantly there is so much you can do for yourself to get yourself Menopause Ready! I hope that these ideas and affirmations can help you transition like a boss.

Menopause Resources:

Mindful Colouring Study:


The content provided here is for informational purposes only. This blog is not intended to substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider for any questions or concerns you may have on your menopause journey.

Nov 20, 2024

4 min read



Comments (2)

Nov 20, 2024

Very informative and full of many beautiful affirmations. Love that you have also included links for those seeking extra support at the bottom of your article. Well written ❤️

Nov 20, 2024
Replying to

Thank you so Mary, I am so glad you enjoyed it. 😀 The affirmations have been such a great tool!

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